Kostenlose RSI-Online-Konferenz auf englisch

Occupational Health Clinics for Ontario Workers Inc. aus Kanada führt am 28.02.2017 eine RSI-Konferenz durch. Diese wird erstmalig auch kostenlos online verfügbar sein. Wer des englischen mächtig ist, kann sich kostenlos anmelden.

Anmeldeschluss ist der 24.02.2017.

The deadline to register for the 2017 RSI Day Webinar is closely approaching. If you have registered and not received a confirmation email from me please contact me.

Workplace injuries such as repetitive strain injuries (RSI’s) account for 42% of all lost time claims and 50% of all lost time days. To increase awareness on these issues, the Occupational Health Clinics for Ontario Workers (OHCOW) is pleased to offer the 18th annual RSIPLUS Awareness Day Webinar on Tuesday February 28th, 2017 at no fee. The deadline for registration is February 24th, 2017.

With the aid of the eDome at Cambrian College, now anyone can access this year’s RSI Day event regardless of their geographic location. All that is required is a high speed internet connection and sound. Attendees using this method will be able to ask questions to any of the presenters. It is asked that all interested parties in the Sudbury area attend the event in person. The day before the event, website address, handouts, and login password will be sent to all participants not located in Sudbury. For more information, you can contact Trevor Schell or the Clinic at 705.523.2330 or 1.877.817.0336 x2431. Once registered, more information will follow including dates to test your internal firewall to ensure the event runs smoothly.


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